Why does my MIND keep going to office work when I sit to Meditate?

Last Sunday one new comer asked me when I sit for chanting my mind starts thinking about office work -- why is it like this?

I told him that in EVERY PAST LIFE we prioritized OFFICE as the top most Bhagavan. Because it supports the rest three - eating, sleeping and mating. And so in this life when we try prioritize anything but work, mind will interrupt.

And so we can see around us also -- I know many devotees who are sitting on net worth in CRORES of rupees -- they can EASILY retire and work full time for KRISHNA. BUT they will continue too slog like an Ass in their little office or shop -- enjoying the Rasa of office work. It amazes me. I can understand that if the devotee is not well financially he should work BUT well off devotees why are they working? BECAUSE that is what we did in every life - JUST WORK like an Ass. And so the same in this life.

SB 1.5.18
तस्यैव हेतो: प्रयतेत कोविदो
न लभ्यते यद्भ्रमतामुपर्यध: ।
तल्लभ्यते दु:खवदन्यत: सुखं
कालेन सर्वत्र गभीररंहसा ॥ १८ ॥

Persons who are actually intelligent and philosophically inclined should endeavor only for that purposeful end which is not obtainable even by wandering from the topmost planet [Brahmaloka] down to the lowest planet [Pātāla]. As far as happiness derived from sense enjoyment is concerned, it can be obtained automatically in course of time, just as in course of time we obtain miseries even though we do not desire them.